From waking up in the morning till sleeping at night… know what, when and how a diabetic patient should eat.

From waking up in the morning till sleeping at night… know what, when and how a diabetic patient should eat.

Diet in Diabetes: Diabetes is such a disease that once it occurs, it cannot be cured; it can only be controlled. For this, better diet and exercise are useful. Sugar patients should take special care of their diet. Because their problems may increase as the sugar level increases. Doctors also advise them to follow a correct diet plan, so that they do not face any kind of problem. If there is a diabetic patient in your house then see the full diet chart for them here. That means, complete details of what and how they have to eat from morning till evening…

Right time to eat and right diet
Dietician Anju Vishwakarma says that diabetic patients should eat at the right time and in the right quantity. The gap between meals should also be maintained. They should also take proper care of what they eat. Diabetic patients should include fruits and vegetables with low glycemic index in their diet. Apart from this, protein should be used properly. For this, pulses, sprouts, and non-vegetarians should take lean meats, eggs, fish and chicken in their diet.

What should diabetic patients not eat
1. Sugary things
2. Alcohol or cigarettes
3. Carbohydrate i.e. white sugar
4. Red Meat
5. Fruits with high glycemic index like mango, banana, grapes, custard apple
6. Vegetables that release sugar quickly, like potato, jackfruit, Jimikand i.e. Suran and Arbi.

What not to forget during the day
Sugar patients should take full care of physical activity. They should do it daily. Walk or exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes every day. Whenever you go for a walk, make sure to eat something before going. Eating soaked almonds or walnuts before walking can be beneficial. You can also take protein supplements. Working out on an empty stomach can be dangerous for diabetes patients.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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